After an absence exceeding two months, Falak Noor, purportedly kidnapped by a neighbor from her home in Sultanabad, District Gilgit, was presented before the Sessions Court on Thursday morning, where her statement was recorded before a judge under Section 164 of the Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC). Israruddin Israr, Regional Coordinator for […]
“Between July 2022 and June 2023, religious freedom and beliefs in Pakistan experienced significant deterioration, marked by an increasing involvement of state mechanisms. This encroachment manifested through the enactment of new legislation, the failure to implement existing laws and judicial mandates, and direct or indirect state actions or omissions. Additionally, there […]
Members of the Christian community suspect that a Muslim individual, who previously declared his intention to prevent them from observing Easter, orchestrated a fire believed to have been deliberately set at their place of worship on Saturday (March 30) in Rawalpindi District, Pakistan. Reverend Adeem Alphonse of the United Presbyterian Junior […]