In a world where hope often seems fragile, the story of Imran Masih, a Christian farm worker from the village of Malowala in Sheikhupura, pierces the heart. On September 16th, 39-year-old Imran was subjected to a vicious, unprovoked attack by his Muslim landlords, leaving him not only with a broken arm […]
On the night between September 19th and 20th, 2024, unidentified individuals desecrated the graves of three Ahmadis in the Goi Batali (Sanyara) cemetery, located in the Kotli district of Azad Kashmir. The cemetery contains eight Ahmadi graves, four of which had inscriptions. The inscriptions on three of these graves were removed. […]
In a heart-wrenching moment for the Christian community, Shagufta Kiran, a mother of four, was sentenced to death on Wednesday, September 18, under Pakistan’s highly controversial blasphemy laws. Her attorney, Rana Abdul Hameed, shared the emotional toll the verdict has taken on the 40-year-old woman, who has endured an agonizing three-year […]