In the town of Sahiwal, a harrowing verdict has emerged from the anti-terrorism court (ATC). A young Christian man has been condemned to death, accused of sharing a social media post that ignited devastating riots in Jaranwala last August. The judgment, delivered by ATC Special Judge Ziaullah Khan, also imposed a […]
The Pakistani authorities must immediately end the harassment, intimidation, and attacks on the Ahmadiyya community and uphold their right to freedom of belief and religion. The human rights organization documented 36 heart-wrenching cases of arbitrary arrests and detention, in addition to countless instances of police harassment of Ahmadis. From June 10 […]
The recent surge in attacks on Ahmadis and their places of worship, particularly in Punjab, has left the community in a state of deep concern and fear. The Ahmadi community reports that these violent incidents tend to escalate around significant religious periods such as Eid, Ramzan, and Muharram. This month, the […]