On August 19, 2021, during Ashura, a significant day of mourning, nine-year-old Priya Kumari vanished. Moments before her potential abduction, she was joyfully assisting her father—a Hindu who embraces the syncretic traditions and annually operates a sabeel during Muharram in Sanghar, a small town near Sukkur—by distributing sherbet to the mourners. […]
As the Hindu community of Abbottabad celebrated Holi at the local temple, Darshan Laal, aged 60, and his family find themselves in a poignant situation. “We will observe the rituals within our household,” states Imma Darshan, his spouse, highlighting the family’s detachment from communal festivities. Historically, the family actively participated in […]
In Khyber, the commencement of a commercial infrastructure project has been initiated on the premises of a historic temple within the Landi Kotal Bazaar, after the dismantling of the Hindu sanctuary that had been deserted since the nation’s emancipation in 1947. This development unfolds amidst the district administration’s professed unawareness regarding […]