In a heart-wrenching turn of events, two young Christian brothers, Tabish Shahid, and Kalu Shahid, barely 18, have found themselves entangled in a nightmare that no one should ever have to face. On Tuesday, August 27, these innocent souls were arrested and charged with blasphemy in Pakistan—a charge that carries the […]
In a harrowing ordeal that underscores the grave injustices faced by vulnerable communities, three young sisters were illegally detained by their employers and coerced into testifying that they had converted to Islam and wished to return to their captors. The girls, aged just 9, 13, and 16, were trapped in a […]
One year after one of the darkest days for Christians in Pakistan, the wounds of the Jaranwala riots remain painfully fresh. On Friday, August 16, Christians once again cried out for justice, as most of those responsible for the devastating violence have walked free. On that tragic day in 2023, a […]