In the town of Sahiwal, a harrowing verdict has emerged from the anti-terrorism court (ATC). A young Christian man has been condemned to death, accused of sharing a social media post that ignited devastating riots in Jaranwala last August. The judgment, delivered by ATC Special Judge Ziaullah Khan, also imposed a […]
In a heart-wrenching turn of events, the fragile hope of justice for religious minorities in Pakistan was shattered once again. On a quiet Sunday, June 23, the peaceful community of Christian Colony in Okara District, Punjab Province, was engulfed in turmoil as police, wielding the weight of the blasphemy laws, arrested […]
In the aftermath of the brutal mob lynching of a Christian man falsely accused of defiling the Quran in Pakistan, Islamic extremists rallied on Sunday, June 9, to voice their chilling support for the homicide and issue further threats. The rally, organized by the extremist group Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP) in Sargodha, […]