In a heart-wrenching and deeply disturbing incident, police in Pakistan have refused to arrest two men accused of raping a 15-year-old Christian girl. The family of the victim is now living in fear as the suspects have threatened to harm them if they do not withdraw the case, according to relatives […]
The local police view the incident as a minor commercial dispute involving the owner of Golden Arrow School in Shakhimar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. They allege that a business rival, currently wanted by authorities, may have set the school on fire, reducing it to ashes. The school, which served approximately four hundred […]
On the 13th of May, a horrifying act of violence took place in Hal Patiala Dost Muhammad, Muridke, which left the community in shock. Asma Bibi, a 35-year-old mentally challenged Christian woman who has been unable to walk or speak since childhood, was brutally assaulted while alone in her home. The […]