The heartbreaking death of Suleman Masih, a 24-year-old Christian, has devastated his family and shaken the local community, once again shedding light on the struggles faced by Christians and other religious minorities in Pakistan. Suleman was brutally attacked on December 29, 2024, in Kot Saadullah, Rahawali, Gujranwala, and tragically lost his […]
In a heart-wrenching moment for the Christian community, Shagufta Kiran, a mother of four, was sentenced to death on Wednesday, September 18, under Pakistan’s highly controversial blasphemy laws. Her attorney, Rana Abdul Hameed, shared the emotional toll the verdict has taken on the 40-year-old woman, who has endured an agonizing three-year […]
Saba Boota, a courageous 27-year-old Christian woman, stands unwavering in her faith, even after enduring the harsh realities of Pakistan’s blasphemy law. Along with her younger sister, Anita, and three other Christians, Saba has been arrested, yet her spirit remains unshaken. With an unbreakable resolve, she vows to continue preaching the […]