In a world where hope often seems fragile, the story of Imran Masih, a Christian farm worker from the village of Malowala in Sheikhupura, pierces the heart. On September 16th, 39-year-old Imran was subjected to a vicious, unprovoked attack by his Muslim landlords, leaving him not only with a broken arm […]
In the heart of Pakistan, a mother’s world has been shattered by the forceful conversion of her 17-year-old son, Samsoon Javed, to Islam. Samina Javed, a struggling brick kiln worker, speaks through her tears, recounting the nightmare that unfolded when her son was taken from her, not just physically but spiritually, […]
It was a dark day in history—September 7, 1974. The day when a community that had lived in Pakistan for generations, contributing to its growth, was cast out by their own country. The Parliament of Pakistan, through a constitutional amendment, declared Ahmadis as non-Muslims. This decision, which should have been a […]