Attack on the graves of Ahmadis continues in Azad Kashmir.

The spokesperson for the Ahmadiyya Community issued a strong condemnation of the recent acts of vandalism, highlighting the desecration of the grave of Naik Muhammad Shafi, a soldier who perished in the line of duty at Siachen while serving the Pakistan Army. The spokesperson emphasized that such conduct is entirely indefensible, particularly as it disrespects individuals who have made the ultimate sacrifice for their country, recognizing them as national martyrs.

This incident forms part of an ongoing pattern of targeted attacks against the Ahmadiyya Community, including the destruction of their places of worship, the desecration of graves, and broader violations of human rights by extremist factions. Yet another occurrence has been reported.

The most recent act of bigotry was documented on March 12 at the Ahmadiyya cemetery located in Barmujgoi, within the Patiyara region of Kotli district. This marks the second such incident in Barmuj Goi. Detailed reports indicate that two graves within the Ahmadiyya Community’s cemetery were vandalized, with the headstones shattered. This follows a previous assault on March 9 in the same locality, during which the headstones of eight Ahmadi graves were destroyed.

The repetition of such incidents underscores a troubling disregard for the deceased and those who have served the nation, challenging the principles of dignity and respect for all citizens.

The spokesperson for the Ahmadiyya Community has articulated concerns over an escalating trend of anti-Ahmadiyya sentiment in Kotli, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, over recent months. This upsurge in hostility, as demonstrated through various acts of aggression, suggests a coordinated campaign targeting the Ahmadiyya population in diverse locales across Pakistan. The calculated nature of these attacks signals a deliberate attempt to harm members of this peaceful and law-abiding community.

In response to this alarming situation, the Ahmadiyya Community has urgently called for decisive intervention. They urge the government to enact and enforce legal measures against individuals inciting hatred and orchestrating violence based on religious prejudice. The community posits that the cessation of religiously motivated killings is achievable through the apprehension and prosecution of those who advocate for hate and violence.

Moreover, the Ahmadiyya Jamaat’s spokesperson has made a pointed appeal for the legal system to confront and penalize those who foster religious extremism and encourage the persecution of innocents. There is a pressing demand for legal accountability and punitive action against those involved in such grievous offenses, aiming to terminate these acts of brutality and safeguard the rights and freedoms of the Ahmadiyya Community.

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