Mob Attacked Ahmadiyya Worship Place in Karachi, Demolishing Minaret

In a disturbing act of religious intolerance, around 20 extremists stormed an Ahmadi worship place in Dastagir Society, Karachi, on Wednesday, taking two policemen hostage. The incident, captured in CCTV footage, unfolded as the violent extremists ruthlessly demolished the building’s minarets.

This latest assault adds to a distressing pattern of violence targeting the Ahmadiyya community across Pakistan. In a similar incident, on February 12, extremists damaged the minarets of a Ahmadi worship place in Kotli, Azad Kashmir.

According to reports, the assailants launched their assault during prayer hours, instigating fear and chaos among worshippers. Witnesses recounted scenes of terror as the mob vandalised the place of worship.

The Ahmadiyya community has long faced persecution and discrimination. In 2023 alone, 40 Ahmadi places of worship have fallen victim to targeted attacks.
Condemnation of the attack has been swift and widespread, with activists and human rights defenders denouncing the escalating violence against the Ahmadiyya community.

There have been calls for decisive action against the perpetrators across the nation, demanding accountability and justice for the victims of religious intolerance.


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